1 art box (pencil box)
2 pkgs large size (8 ct) Crayola Crayons
2 pkgs (24 ct) Crayola Crayons
2 plastic folders with pockets and holes
2 – 1″ Binders
6 Elmer’s glue sticks
1 pair blunt tip scissors
4 block erasers
2 spiral notebooks
Large pkg #2 pencils
1 Zipper pouch with 3 holes
1 pkg dry erase markers
1 box tissues
Girls: 2 tubs Clorox wipes
Boys: 1 box Ziploc bags
1st Grade
1 pkg Expo low odor dry erase markers
1 pkg color markers (10 pk)
2 (24 ct) Crayola Crayons
1 plastic pencil box
1 box of either gallon or quart bags
2 glue sticks
1 – 3-ring binder (1 1/2″)
1 bottle Elmers white glue
1 pair headphones (no earbuds)
1 dry erase board (8.5″ x 11″)
1 can Play-Dough (child’s favorite color)
1 roll paper towels
2 boxes tissues
2nd Grade
- 1 pkg #2 pencils
1 pkg color markers
2 (24 ct) Crayola Crayons
2 red pocket folders
2 blue pocket folders
1 – 2″ binder
1 pkg glue sticks
1 pair of scissors
1 pkg dry erase markers
1 pkg index cards
1 pkg pencil top erasers
1 pkg block erasers
1 pair of headphones (no earbuds)
2 boxes tissues
3rd Grade
2 boxes (24 ct) Crayola crayons
- 1 pkg colored markers
2 pkgs Ticonderoga pencils
4 solid color folders w/pockets no prongs
6 glue sticks
1 plastic pencil box
4 thin point Expo markers (dark colors)
1 pkg pencil top erasers
1 pair headphones w/microphone
1 pair of scissors
2 boxes tissues
4th Grade
2 pkgs wide ruled paper
2 pkgs Ticonderoga pencils
1 pkg pencil top erasers
- 1 package of notebook paper
1 box (24 ct) Crayola Crayons
1 box colored pencils
1 pkg dry erase markers
1 pair scissors
1 pair headphones
4 solid color folders with pockets (no prongs)
1 pkg glue sticks
2 boxes tissues
5th & 6th Grade
5 pkgs College Ruled loose leaf paper
2″ binder
Pencil pouch with 3 holes for binder
5 boxes of #2 pencils (Ticonderoga preferred)
pencil top erasers
2 pink gum erasers
2 pocket folders
3 boxes of tissues
7th & 8th Grade
Pencil case
headphones or earbuds
2 – 2″ binder
2 pkgs college-ruled loose leaf paper
4 pkgs wide-ruled loose leaf paper
1 pkg graph paper
1 TI-30xa Calculator
1 ruler with inches & centimeters
1 protractor
2 boxes tissues
3 folders with pockets and prongs
4 composition notebooks (not spiral)
Colored pencils
5-tab dividers
1 pkg black ink pens
1 large pkg #2 pencils
1 bottle hand sanitizer
1 pkg 3×5 index cards
OPTIONAL: Highlighters, Post-it notes